About the RADIAL trial

What the RADIAL trial aims to achieve

The RADIAL trial

Approach for
the trial

To make this comparison, Trials@Home considers that an ideal focus for the RADIAL trial is people living with type 2 diabetes who are on long-acting basal insulin.

Importantly, people living with type 2 diabetes were closely consulted on the design of the trial and on the way information about the trial is explained. 

RADIAL participants who enrol from this website will join the decentralised (home-based) group.


Decentralised (home-based) approach:

No visits to a research centre; all assessments are carried out from the participant’s home using technology

Traditional approach

Traditional approach:

Assessments are carried out during visits to a research centre (hospital or clinic)

Hybrid approach

Hybrid approach:

Some visits to the research centre are involved, but several assessments are carried out by a home nurse and via technology from the participant's home

About the RADIAL trial

Why type 2 diabetes has been chosen as the focus for RADIAL

About Clinical Research
How will the trial be run?
What medication will you take
What medication will you take?

All participants entering the RADIAL trial will be switched from their current long-acting basal insulin to a different long-acting basal insulin called Toujeo®. You may also join the trial when you are already using Toujeo® as your current long-acting basal insulin.

They will be supported over the course of the 6-month trial to carefully monitor and improve their blood glucose management, with the aim of reaching a recommended target.

All participants will continue to take their other current diabetes medications and will be encouraged to continue with diet and lifestyle recommendations made by their own care team.

Recruitment closed
Which group will you be in
Which group will you be in?

Participants who enrol via this website will be assigned to the decentralised (home-based) group of the trial, so will be participating from their homes using technology. 

Participants who enrol through other means will be assigned at random either to the traditional group of the trial (visiting a research centre regularly) or to the hybrid group which uses a mixture of both approaches. 

Recruitment closed
Main aim of the trial
Main aim of the trial

The main aims of the trial are to see whether the data collected from the decentralised (home-based) group meets desired standards of quality and completeness.  The researchers will also compare all three groups with respect to participant diversity, participant satisfaction and trial completion. Finally, they will observe whether the effects of Toujeo® are broadly similar in the decentralised (home-based) group compared with the other groups. 

In this way, the RADIAL trial will provide scientific evidence on whether we can safely and responsibly move from the traditional approach to a decentralised (home-based) approach in clinical trials – and if doing so can be expected to bring new benefits for both participants and research teams. 

Recruitment closed
  1. Becker RHA et al Diabetes Care 2015;38: 637–643
  2. Riddle MC et al Diabetes Care 2014; 37(10): 2755-62 
  3. Bolli GB et al Diab Obes Metab 2015; 17: 386–394
  4. Yki-Jarvinen H et al Diabetes Care 2014;37: 3235–3243
  5. Russel-Jones D et al. Diab Obes Metab 2019;21(7): 1615-1624